Warning: Undefined array key "course" in /var/www/mydream/public_html_3/wp-content/themes/mdew_2021/template-parts/content-checkout.php on line 8

Warning: Undefined array key "course" in /var/www/mydream/public_html_3/wp-content/themes/mdew_2021/template-parts/content-checkout.php on line 10

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/mydream/public_html_3/wp-content/themes/mdew_2021/template-parts/content-checkout.php on line 11

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/mydream/public_html_3/wp-content/themes/mdew_2021/template-parts/content-checkout.php on line 11

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/mydream/public_html_3/wp-content/themes/mdew_2021/template-parts/content-checkout.php on line 11

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/mydream/public_html_3/wp-content/themes/mdew_2021/template-parts/content-checkout.php on line 11

Fatal error: Uncaught (Status 400) (Request req_Y9gYiqAe18hlTa) The amount must be greater than or equal to the minimum charge amount allowed for your account and the currency set (https://docs.stripe.com/currencies#minimum-and-maximum-charge-amounts). If you want to save a Payment Method for future use without an immediate payment, use a Setup Intent instead: https://docs.stripe.com/payments/setup-intents thrown in /var/www/mydream/public_html_3/stripe-php/lib/Exception/ApiErrorException.php on line 38